Getting Started With Program Creation

Programs allow for slightly different registration setups and program management; there are currently seven program types offered: Club, League, Event, Tournament, Camp, Classes, & Bookings. To get started on your new program, head to the main dashboard. If you have already created your program, this article covers the options present on the Edit Details page of your program.

General guidance for this page is to make it as simple as possible. Many fields are optional, and it's best to leave them blank if you're not sure what to input.

Step 1: Review Default Settings

When you make a program from scratch as opposed to copying an existing program, it will reference your account's default settings. So it's important to review these before making a new program. Here is a list of items that should be reviewed in advance, with links to their respective help pages.

Step 2: Select a Program Type

From your Management Console Dashboard, under Program Summary, click Create program. From the available program types, select the one that fits your program best.

Leagues, Events and Camps all operate the same way aside from a few terminology changes.  Tournaments, Clubs and Classes offer specific features outlined below:


Basic Program Functionality


Basic Program Functionality


Best for team registrations.  Advanced team/division management and scheduling options.


Basic Program Functionality


Set custom pricing and registration options by team.


Allows users to register for multiple 'classes' at once. 

Step 3: Set Program Details 

Once you've selected your Program Type, you are taken to the Program Details page.

⚠️ If you choose grouped or session-based, some of these settings will be configured at the sub-program or session level.
  1. Program Configurations can be customized to meet the need of the organization. There are classic, grouped (multiple sub-programs under one master program), and session-based (multiple sessions under one master program), where players can choose multiple sessions to sign up for in a single registration.
    • Classic: A single program that can accept Staff, Individual, Team, or Team Player registrations.
    • Grouped: One master program, with sub-programs housed under the Master. The sub-programs will have the classic functionality. This is a good choice when dealing with multiple age groups, skills levels, locations, divisions or any other grouping under the same program title.
    • Session-Based: Session-based programs allow a registrant to select one or multiple "Sessions" during the registration process and pay for them all at once. First create a Master Program, then you will be prompted to add at least one session. For example: A Four Week Skills Clinic, with the option to attend only one week or all four weeks; the Master Program would be Four Week Skills Clinic with four different sessions grouped under it, one for each week.
  2. Then you will need to set some basic criteria for the program:
    • League Type:
      • Who is registering? Parents or Staff Members registering child players? Choose Youth/Family Accounts.
      • Adults registering themselves as players? Choose Adult
        ⚠️ If you don't see this option, your site mode is set to one or the other.   If you need both options, please contact and ask for your site mode to be switched to Mixed.
    • Sport: Choose the sport that best fits the Program.
    • Season: Choose the Season. This can be customized via your site's Terminology settings.
    • Level: Choose the Level. This can be customized via your site's Terminology settings.
    • Gender: Specify the Gender.
    • Visibility: Choose whether or not you want this program Public or Private. 
      • Public programs show on your registration listings pages
      • Private programs will only be accessible via a direct link or invitation
  3. Set program name. We recommend including season and year in the program name to make reporting easier year over year.
  4. Optional fields
    • Program Code: Used for reporting purposes. This is hidden from your members.
    • Sponsor: Visible from the Program Registration page.
    • Host: Visible from the Program Registration page.
    • Integration Code: Used if you are linking this program with any of our integrations.
    • Accounting Code: Used for reporting purposes. This is hidden from your members and can be customized via your site's Terminology settings.
  5. Set dates
    1. Activity Start Date:  Required field and indicates when the program begins — not when registration beings.
    2. Activity End Date: Optional field and indicates when the program will end — not when registration ends.
    3. Registration Start: Optional field. If left blank, registration will be immediately open. Input a date to automatically open registration in the future.
    4. Registration End: Optional field. If left blank, registration will remain open indefinitely. Input a date to automatically close registration in the future. Once this date passes the Register button will be removed from the Program Registration page.
⚠️ Registration will open at 12:00 AM on the Registration Start date, and will close at 11:59 PM on the Registration End date. Times are based on the specified time zone of your site. Make sure that your site's time zone setting is correct via your account's site settings. 

Step 4: Set a Registration Status (optional) 

There is a special control that allows admins to manually adjust the registration status for a program, on top of the automatic registration availability described above. There are a number of options that can be selected for registration status.  The effect of each option is described below.

  • Open Soon: Disables the registration button, replacing it with a gray button that says Opens Soon on the specified registration start date.
    • Adds a yellow Open Soon label in the program listings on the public site. 
    • Automatically changes to Open when registration start date is reached.
  • Open: Ensures that the registration button is accessible, provided that the criteria is met for registration being open.
  • Sold Out: Disables the registration button, replacing it with a gray button that states At Capacity. If team registrations are enabled, there is a link displayed under the button to allow team player registrations.
  • Limited Spots: Has no functional effect. Adds a yellow Limited Spots label in the program listings.
  • Accepting Waitlist: Has no functional effect. Adds a yellow Accepting Waitlist label in the program listings.
  • Accepting Free Agents Only: Adds a yellow Accepting Free Agents Only label and only shows Free Agent pricing in the program listings. When registration button is clicked, only the Free Agent option is presented regardless of the program's registration options.
  • Accepting Male Free Agents Only: Adds a yellow Accepting Male Free Agents Only label, and only shows Free Agent pricing, in the program listings. When registration button is clicked, only the Free Agent option is presented regardless of the program's registration options. As the registrant steps through the registration workflow, they will only be accepted if they are a male.
  • Accepting Female Free Agents Only: Adds a yellow Accepting Female Free Agents Only label, and only shows Free Agent pricing, in the program listings. When registration button is clicked, only the Free Agent option is presented regardless of the program's registration options. As the registrant steps through the registration workflow, they will only be accepted if they are a female.
  • Accepting Team Captains Only:  Adds a yellow Accepting Team Captain Only label in the program listings. When registration button is clicked, only the Team Captain option is accepted. Other options have Closed displayed underneath each. This option only pertains to adult programming.
  • Accepting Team Players Only:  Adds a yellow Accepting Team Players Only label in the program listings. When registration button is clicked, only the Team Player option is accepted.  Other options have Closed displayed underneath each.
  • Accepting Team Players and Free Agents Only:  Adds a yellow Accepting Team Players and Free Agents Only label in the program listings. When registration button is clicked, both the Team Player and Free Agent option is accepted. Other options have Closed displayed underneath each. This registration status is specifically for when you want to lock the number of teams in your program but still want team players and free agents to join. 
  • Cancelled:  Disables the registration button, replacing it with a gray button that states Canceled.  Also, adds a yellow Canceled label in the program listings.

Step 5: Set Location, Days and Times (optional)

The last set of fields are optional, but can provide more information to your members about where and when the program will be taking place. 


  • Location: This drop down pulls from the locations you have pre-loaded under your site's location settings
  • This program takes place on: Check none or all days that the program will take place.
  • Between times: If the times vary based on the day, it's best to manually enter the details in the Description editor.
  • League Format: Optional, visible from Program Registration Page.
  • Description: A content editor for you to write out any additional information, attach files, or insert images pertaining to the program.

Once you hit Save your program will be created. However, you still have some set up to do around who can register, how and if they pay, how much, etc. 

Learn about these Registration Options in our Registration Options Guide.


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