There are three different calendars that can be utilized within the LeagueApps platform: A site-wide calendar, a master schedule and program schedules. This page will focus on the site-wide calendar and master schedule, which will show all events and games for live and upcoming programs.
For help managing and creating program schedule, click here.
Admins can view and manage schedules from all programs at once from the Site Level Calendar.
Scheduled activities can be viewed by month, week, or day calendar. To access, navigate to Manage and select Site Level Calendar.
On the public site, the calendar is accessible via
When viewing the details of a scheduled activity, the site calendar indicates to what program the game or event belongs. The calendar can also be filtered to display only one program’s schedule.
Adding to the Site Calendar
- Go to Manage, then click Calendar
- On the right-hand site, click New Event
- Fill out the event card and click Add Event when complete
- Events without a program selected will be considered site-wide events. These events are considered general information and will not appear on members' personal calendars, program calendars, our mobile apps nor will reminders be sent.
- Events without a team selected will be considered program-wide events and all will apply to resistants within the program.
Editing from the Site-Wide Calendar
- Go to Manage, then click Site Level Calendar
- Click on any calendar card to view the form to edit any scheduled activity. Changes will be saved to both the site calendar and the corresponding program schedule, if applicable.
- Make the necessary updates then save your changes.