Ankored Integration

With our Ankored integration, you can access data from compliance and age verification directly through LeagueApps. This report will give you even more control over how you manage their staff. Partners can quickly review the results of compliance and age verification you’ve run through Ankored and complete important actions like:

1. Seeing who hasn’t completed their compliance and/or age verification and sending those staff members, parents, or players, a reminder email

2. Seeing which staff members and players have passed their compliance and/or age verification and are ready to be rostered

The integration allows for a single username and password for LeagueApps and Ankored for a more seamless process.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

In order to use the integration, you must first have an account set up with Ankored:

  1. Fill out this form and you’ll be connected with the Ankored team
  2. During setup, the LeagueApps team needs to enable each of your sites and attach them to your Ankored account. If you create a new LeagueApps site that you want to use with the integration, make sure you let the LeagueApps team know.
  3. When onboarding with Ankored, you will decide what compliance requirements are necessary for each role in LeagueApps.

Enable Integration & Internal Setup

You can take these steps once you have an account with Ankored.

  1. Program-level setup. Create a new program that will be used to collect compliance and/or age verification with the Ankored integration codes.
  2. Invite Staff and/or Players to Register & Member Experience. Invite staff and/or players to register for your Ankored program via email or public registration, and understand the experience staff go through.
  3. Viewing Results of Compliance and Age Verification. Review and take action on the results of compliance and/or age verification.

Step #1: Program-level setup

Create a new program that will be used to collect compliance and/or age verifications with the Ankored integration codes.


  • Staff and player roles in LeagueApps map to staff and player roles in Ankored
  • Work with your Ankored account team to ensure each role is assigned to the right group of requirements
  • To update or add Staff Roles in LeagueApps, navigate to Settings, then Staff Roles

Creating a compliance and/or age verification program:

  1. Create a new program in LeagueApps. The program can be any of the existing program types. 
  2. Scroll down to the “Integration Code” section of the program creator window
  3. You can select one or both Ankored integration codes:
      1.  Compliance:
          • In the dropdown menu, select “Ankored-” from the available integration options
      2. Age Verification:
          • In the dropdown menu, select “Ankored-” from the available integration options


    • The standard LeagueApps waiver will be attached to this program automatically
    • However, if you have a waiver that you would like staff to complete at this point in the registration, feel free to attach that waiver here.

Step #2: Invite Staff and/or Players to Register & Member Experience

Now, it's time to Invite staff and/or players to register for your Ankored program via email or public registration.

Invite Staff

If Using a “Private” Registration Link:

  1. Copy the link to your LeagueApps program.
  2. If your members do not exist with LeagueApps yet, you can send them an email and have them register for the program directly
  3. If your members exist within LeagueApps, you can select which members you would like to invite to complete compliance and/or age verification in the Message tab in LeagueApps
      1. In the compose a message tab, click to filter by programs and games
      2. Select the programs that include staff and/or players who you would like to have registered for Ankored
      3. Only select the staff roles who you want to have registered for compliance
      4. Compose your message, insert links to the new program and press send!

If Using a “Public” Registration Link:

  1. Make sure your program has been set to “Public” in the edit details page
  2. Add the link to your program to your website the same way you would add a link to any program
    ⚠️ Once the link is live on your public website, anyone who navigates to your public site and registers via the link will receive a compliance and/or age verification invite from Ankored based on their role

Member Experience

Once you have the integration set up, on every sync, all newly registered members for the connected program(s) will have their data sent to Ankored and will be entered into the invitation flow process.

For Staff, Parents, and Players:

  • After being invited by the organizer, members will need to register for their compliance and/or age verification LeagueApps program first. 
  • Once members complete their registration, they should receive an email within 15 minutes from Ankored inviting them to complete their compliance requirements or age verification.
  • Users will use their LeagueApps credentials to login to Ankored
      • Upon login, users are directed to their Requirement dashboard to begin completing requirements 
      • Automated emails are sent to users to remind them of incomplete compliance requirements. These emails are scheduled at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 10, and 17 days beginning on the day the activated their Ankored profile
  • Integrated Requirements: Ankored seamlessly integrates various requirement types, ensuring users’ statuses automatically update from Incomplete to Completed upon fulfillment. Today, this includes:
      • Background Checks
      • Abuse Prevention Training
      • CDC Concussion Training
  • Uploading Requirements: For custom training outside Ankored, users must click the Complete Online button to access the required URL. They may need to create an account or log in to complete a refresher course.
      • After completing the training, users upload proof of certification in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format and enter the original completion date.
      • Once submitted, the document will go through a review process, and the user’s status will update from Incomplete to Pending Review.
      • Organization admins will then need to log in to Ankored to review and approve the submission or reset.
  • Digital Forms: Users must click the Complete Online button to access the form and complete the required fields.

Step #3: Viewing Results of Background Checks

Viewing Compliance Statuses in Ankored:

    • Ankored tracks overall compliance status at the user level and individual requirement statuses. At the user level, compliance statuses are:
        • Incomplete: User has not completed assigned requirement(s)
        • Cleared: User has completed all assigned requirements 
    • Every requirement in Ankored has a status. For Background Checks the status are:
        • Incomplete: User has not started the application process
        • Waiting on Applicant: User has initiated the application process but has not submitted the application to our third-party provider for screening
        • Waiting on Provider: User has submitted their application, and no further action is needed on their part. A third-party provider is currently screening the background check, a process usually completed within 72 hours or less. 
        • Pending Review: User's background check is pending review
        • Completed: User has cleared the background check
    • Other statuses for requirements  include:
        • Completed: The user has successfully fulfilled this requirement.
        • Incomplete: The user has not fulfilled the requirement, and action is needed on their part to complete the requirement.
        • In-Progress: Specifically for integrated Abuse Prevention Training, the user has started the training video but has not completed the training.
        • Pending Review: The requirement has been manually uploaded by the user. The organization's admin must review the file and select one of three decisions: Approve, Reset, or Reject.
        • Expired: This requirement was previously completed but has now expired. The user must re-complete it to achieve a completed status.
        • Expiring Soon: This requirement is nearing its expiration date. Users will receive email alerts regarding the impending expiration, and they need to re-complete it to achieve a completed status. Users may re-complete a requirement in this status as soon as 30 days after the expiration date or  or remove the file and re-do the requirement. 
        • Optional: An optional requirement is not mandatory for the user to complete. However, if the user chooses to fulfill it, their status for that requirement will be updated to "Completed." Optional requirements do not impact overall compliance status

Viewing Compliance and/or Age Verification Reports in LeagueApps:

Organizers will be able to view the compliance and/or age verification statuses and complete all necessary actions from the reporting page in LeagueApps.

To access the report, navigate to the Reporting menu in the LeagueApps management console and click Compliance or Age Verification. The following roles can access these reports: Org Account Owner, Org Account Admin, Site Admin.

Once members have completed a LeagueApps registration, they will show up in the respective report. If a member doesn’t show up, that means they haven’t registered with LeagueApps or there is a problem in setup.

Compliance Report Statuses:

  • Cleared: This member has completed all of their requirements (optional or non-optional). 
  • Incomplete: This member has not completed at least one requirement. 
  • Optional: This member has only optional requirements. 
  • NoRequirements: This member has no assigned requirements.
  • NotActivated: This member has received an email invitation to join Ankored but has not yet set up their profile.
  • NotConfirmed: This member has signed up for Ankored using a unique URL but has not confirmed their email address.  
  • Disqualified: This member has been disqualified due to a rejected requirement.

Age Verification Report Statuses:

  • Cleared: This member has not completed the age verification submission.
  • Pending: This member has submitted the age verification, but it is still processing.
  • Incomplete: This member has not completed the age verification submission.
  • Rejected: The member's date of birth could not be verified with the document provided.

Progress Bar:

  • The Progress Bar within the Compliance and Age Verification reports will show you how each of the members who have completed their registration for a LeagueApps program are progressing in completing their screen
  • The progress bar will update based on changes in a candidate’s status on the necessary actions they are taking with Ankored
  • You can easily filter the displayed statuses in your progress bar, by clicking directly on the bar segment that you would like to filter within the progress bar
  • Only statuses will appear in the progress bar that reflect the status of staff members who have registered for one of your Ankored programs within the date range selected in your filters


  • Filters within the Compliance and Age Verification reports work largely the same way as filters within other LeagueApps reports and are designed to help you view and take action on the results that are most relevant to you.
  • For any filter selection, you will need to select the information you would like to filter, such as Status, and then click Apply Filters in the far right. You can select as many filter options as you would like.
  • After clicking Apply Filters, if you would like to filter the data in a different way, you will need to click Reset Filters and you can start again with whatever filters you would like:
    • Last Updated
      • This filter allows you to select what records you would like to display within your background check report
      • The default range is records that were updated in the “Last 3 Months.” You have the option to change this to, “Last 30 Days,” “Last 6 Months,” “Last 12 Months” or select a custom date range
    • Status
      • This filter works the same way as the progress bar filter option. By clicking the status filter, you can see all of your results for any given status within a selected date range
    • Order By
      • By default, records in the background check report will be ordered by those that have been most recently updated: Updated Newest First
      • You have the option to change this order to one of these 7 additional options:
          1. Updated Oldest First
          2. Invited Newest First
          3. Invited Oldest First
          4. Last Name A > Z
          5. Last Name Z > A
          6. First Name A > Z
          7. First Name Z > A

Bulk Messaging Staff and/or Players:

  • You have the option to bulk message staff members within your reports to complete whatever option you would like, such as reminding staff members to complete the necessary steps within Ankored to complete different requirements
  • Using Bulk Message Feature:
    • To use this feature, you can click the checkbox to the left of the “Bulk Action” dropdown below the Progress Bar in the Background Check report and you will see all of the relevant staff members’ names who have been selected for a message
    • After you have selected the staff you want to message, click the bulk action dropdown and send your message
  • Using Filters and Bulk Action:
    • You can easily bulk message a select group of staff members using a mixture of the progress bar filters and the bulk message feature
    • For instance, if you wanted to send a message to all of your members who have the status, “Cleared,” to let them know you will soon be assigning them to a team, you can click the Cleared progress bar segment to activate the filter and then send your message using to these individuals with the bulk message feature.

Export to CSV:

  • Within the LeagueApps report, you also can export the results of your reports to a CSV. This will work for any date range selected.
  • You can also export more detailed reports directly within Ankored.


I want to connect another program to the Ankored integration, or I want to delete one of my existing mappings. What should I do? 

See this Program-level setup step above to make sure that Ankored is selected or deselected from the Integration Code field on the Program Settings page.


Where can I get my Ankored account ID?

When you onboard with Ankored, they will provide LeagueApps with this ID. You will only need this ID the first time you set up the integration in the integration center. If you have any issues with this step, contact your Ankored account team directly. If your end users have questions about their Ankored profile have them submit an Ankored Support Ticket here


Where can I get my LeagueApps private API key (p12 file and client ID)?

You can access this from your LeagueApps member dashboard, go to the Connect icon on the top navigation menu, and clicking API Settings. Name the key and then select Generate Private API Key. You will only need this API key the first time you set up the integration in the integration center for a site.


Where can I find my compliance and age verification reports in LeagueApps?

From the Reporting icon on the top navigation menu, and click Compliance or Age Verification under Integration Programs section.

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