Bank Payments offer your coaches, parents, and players an additional way of paying. Your customers can choose the payment method that works best for them.
Unlike credit cards that can be processed instantly, bank payments take a longer time to process. It typically takes 5 business days for a bank payment to clear, and after that 1-2 days to be transferred to your bank account. These times will vary depending on each bank and the time of day the payment was made. Because of this delay, there are some key differences that you should be aware of as an organizer and administrator.
Payment Failures
Bank Payments can fail if a person does not have enough money in their account (and does not have autodraft set up) or if they select a bank account that is not allowed to make online transactions. A bank typically lets LeagueApps know if a bank payment fails in the same amount of time it takes for a successful payment to go through, about five business days.
When a failure occurs we automatically send the customer an email about the failed payment. The email will let them know that they need to return to the website and make another payment. LeagueApps administrators with access level of Site Admin or higher will be copied on this email so you are aware of any failures on your site.
Email Subject: Failed Payment for {Site Name}
Failure Reporting
You can run a Transaction Report to view a list of failed bank payments. In that report, filter by Transaction Type for Bank and Transaction Result of Failure. You can choose to save this report to quickly access that list in the future.
Bank Payments will show up on various reports at different times based on their status in the payments workflow.
⚠️ When a user pays with a bank account, we will assume that the payment will go through. If you have any capacity limits the registration will count toward those capacity limits. When a failure occurs, the invoice and payment details will be changed to an Unpaid status to reflect the latest information. If you would like to remove the participant from the program you must do that manually. |
Transaction Reporting
Bank Payments will show up immediately. Their status will be Paid and will remain that way unless a failure occurs. There will be a column for Type, which will let you know how the participant paid. There are several reports where you can find this data:
- Transaction Report
- Transaction Detail Report
- LeagueApps Gateway Dashboard: Payments
- LeagueApps Gateway Dashboard: Balance
Bank Transfers
Bank Payments and credit card Payments operate on a separate timeline and the funds flow into your bank account in a slightly different way. Because of that, you will see two separate transfer listings when bank payments are present. There will be one line item each day for both credit card and bank payments that are transferred to your bank account. Typically, your credit card transfer will be for payments that occurred 1-2 days prior, and your bank account transfer will have occurred 8-10 days before. You can still click View Payments to see all the associated payments with that bank transfer.
Once your funds have reached your bank account, the date of deposit and the transfer batch will be included the Transaction Detail Report export file.