Push Notifications

If your organization utilizes a Branded App or the LeagueApps Play app for your participants, then they’ll be able to benefit from receiving push notifications on their phone. This article outlines how to enable push notifications and which actions trigger push notifications. 

Enabling Push Notifications

After downloading an app, each user will be prompted to allow push notifications

If a user accidentally selects don’t allow from this prompt, they’re still able to enable push notifications from their phone settings. Here’s how to enable on iPhone and Android.

Actions triggering push notifications

The following LeagueApps actions result in a push notification being sent:

Chat Messages

  • A push notification will send if a chat message is received from your upgraded branded app or the LeagueApps Play app
  • Important: Recipients must have also downloaded the branded app or LeagueApps Play in order to see the chat messages sent to them.


Coach Notes

Coaches and designated staff have the option to send Coach Notes as an urgent message which will tag it as "Urgent" in the app and send via push notification, and they can also send it as an email to make sure their team members see the coach note.


  • An admin can trigger a push notification and content in the Play app if they send an email in the management console as an "Announcement" by checking the box: Also share this message in the mobile apps.

Game & Event Creation

  • An admin can trigger a push notification and email if the game or event is created in the management console
  • A coach or designated staff member can trigger a push notification if the game or event is created from the Play App or branded apps, from desktop or from mobile web


⚠️ The notification will automatically take members directly to the newly created event/game (if they’ve updated their mobile app), and gives the user further confirmation of the newly created event. For those that don’t update their mobile apps, they will still get a push notification, but that notification will route them into the app, but not directly to the newly created event. For those who updated, they will route to the new event.


Game Reminder

Game & Event Change

  • A push notification will send if the Notify participants of change check box in the game change window is selected
  • An admin can trigger a push notification if the event is changed in the management console
  • A coach can trigger a push notification if the event is changed from the Play or Branded App, from desktop or from mobile web


Event Reminder

  • A push notification will send if Game/Event reminder program preference is on 

Event Cancellation

  • A push notification will send if the ‘Notify participants of changes’ check box in the event change window is selected
  • An admin can trigger a push notification if the event is cancelled in the management console

  • A coach can trigger a push notification if the event or game is changed from the mobile apps, from desktop or from mobile web

Subscribed Tournament Teams' Game Changes

If a LeagueApps Play app user uses the Find Tournaments button on the Play iOS app login screen (coming soon to Android), they can click the bell icon next to the team name(s) to subscribe and follow them. Once they subscribe to a team, the user will get push notifications if there is a change to that team's public schedule. Learn more here.



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