Athlete Mobile App Access

U18 teenage athletes can now be given permission to use the LeagueApps Play and branded apps to view their schedules, rosters, team and player information, coach notes and announcements; submit RSVPs; and use chat messaging (with messages sent only when their parent or guardian is included).

Our apps are fully SafeSport compliant, with parents giving permission for their athletes to access the app, as well copied on all communications—ensuring the protection of your organization and families, while allowing athletes to be more independent. 

Table of Contents

Step 1: Turn on athlete access + chat settings and notify parents

In your LeagueApps Management Console, go to Settings, and then Site Settings.

  1. Scroll down to the Enable youth athlete access to the mobile app setting, and switch it On.
  2. Select the Athlete Age
  3. Set Enable chat for youth athletes to On
  4. Set Automatically email parents and guardians to On.
  5. Save by clicking the Update Basic Details button.

If you've already saved your settings to automatically email parents and guardians, you will then have the option to resend your email by clicking the Resend Email button.

You can also use the LeagueApps messaging tools, or your preferred communication solution, let your parents know that they can now edit their child(ren)’s mobile access permissions in their member dashboard and their mobile app.


Step 2: Parents can invite their eligible athletes and allow chat

Parents can grant permission and invite their child(ren) in their member dashboard and their mobile app, and choose to allow them to chat message.

To access in the mobile app, parents can go to the Profile icon, and click the Manage & Pay button.

Parents are able to:

  1. Resend invitations or copy link
  2. Access the mobile access page

The different statuses of mobile access:

  • Pending : Invitation sent but athlete did not sign up.
  • Joined : Athlete signed up and has mobile access.
  • Not Eligible : Athlete is not able to have mobile access due to admin settings (it’s off or not age appropriate).

Parents can click the Edit mobile app access link so they can assign permissions, allow athlete chat messaging, accept terms and conditions, and save changes. You can also click the edit link for that child, and then the Edit mobile app access link at the top of the child's page.

Once the parent clicks the Save changes button, athletes with permissions will receive an email inviting them to join the app, and the parent will also see this screen so they can share the link directly with their athlete(s).


Step 3: Athletes create account, sign in, and download app

The athletes with permissions will receive an email like the one below, where they can join the app by clicking that button.

This will direct the athlete to this account creation screen, where the athlete must accept terms and conditions as well.

Once the athlete creates their account, they MUST sign in on the next screen, so that they can download and sign into the app.

Once the athlete signs in, they will receive a confirmation screen where they can download and then sign into the app.

Learn more about how to use LeagueApps mobile apps by clicking to view the LeagueApps Play guides, Branded App guides, and admin guide.

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