Payment Plan Report

The Payment Plan Report allows you to easily keep track of outstanding payments for specific installment dates instead of looking at individual invoices. On days where most of your automatic payments are to be charged, you can see at a glance what invoices need attention because of failed payments or other issues.

Getting Started

To access the Payment Plan Report, place your mouse over Reporting at the top of your management console then click Payment Plans.

Payment Plans Summary

This page will display all installment dates across your various Payment Plans. The summary is sorted by installment date and includes columns for:

  • Program Name
  • Program Code
  • Total Due
  • Total Paid
  • Total Outstanding
  • Installments Due
  • Installments Paid / Outstanding
  • Payment Plan Name
  • Auto Pay (Yes or No)
  • Actions (Show Details)

The highlighted columns below are typically the most relevant, showing you the total outstanding amount in dollars and number of payments. You can also see at a glance if the payment plan with outstanding payments was configured to require automatic billing.

Report Filters

Use the filter section at the top of the page to narrow your results by a specific range. The maximum date span this report can display is 93 days.

Export to CSV

Click the Export to CSV button in the top-right corner to download a CSV file of your Payment Plans Summary. You may choose which columns to include in the report.

Show Details

Under the Actions column, click Show Details to view the payment plan invoices with installments due on that a specific date. This will take you to the Payment Plan Details page. This page will display all payment plan invoices with an installment due on given date. Also included are columns for:

  • Registrant Name: Clicking this will take you to the member's profile page.
  • Amount Due
  • Amount Paid
  • Outstanding
  • Transaction Result
  • Invoice ID: Clicking this will take you to the invoice page

You can also export this view by clicking the Export To CSV button in the top, right-hand corner.

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