Manually Registering a Participant

At some point, you will likely find the need to register a member for them. Perhaps the member does not have access to a computer or is running into connectivity issues. As a LeagueApps administrator, you can manually register members for programs via the Management Console.

Locate the participant's member details page

  • Go to Manage.
  • Then click Members. You can also find members using the site search tool.
  • Use the Name or Email filter to search for the member you want to register
⚠️ If you see several members with the same name, you may need to merge them together.
  • Once found, click the member's name.
⚠️ If you are registering a child, you will need to be on the child's member profile.

Select the program

  • Under Program Registrations, click the menu and select the program for which you are registering the member.
  • Click Add.

Complete registration options

  • Registration Type: Select the type of registration you want to register this member as. These correspond to how the program was configured.
  • Team Player: If you selected Team Player, choose a team from the list.
  • Form Fields: As an admin you can skip any form fields on this page, though you have the option to fill them out if desired. 
  • Generate Invoice: Decide if this participant should be invoiced for this registration.
  • Send Notification: Decide this this participant should be notified that they have been registered.
  • Click Save Player​
  • Once complete, you will be redirected to the Players list of the program for which you registered this member.
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