Login Troubleshooting for Members

With LeagueApps Login, you can use your email address and a single password to register and access your account with any sports organizer that utilizes LeagueApps. Look for the green LeagueApps logo  LeagueApps  to know if an organization uses LeagueApps for its registrations, payments and other tools. Before writing into our Support Team with login trouble, please review these common troubleshooting steps below.

I don't remember my password

If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password? link near the bottom of the login page.

Once you click the link, you will be asked to enter your email address to have a reset link sent to your email. 

I'm not receiving a password reset link

Check your email's spam folder and search your email for accounts@leagueapps.com.

If it still is not appearing, your account may not be fully created. Try these steps:

  • On the login page, click the Create a LeagueApps Account button.
  • Fill out the following fields, taking care to enter your email address correctly.
  • Once finished, attempt to log in again.

'You already have an account'

This message means your email address already exists with the organization that you are trying to access or another organization that uses LeagueApps. 

Enter the password you have used to log in with other organizations or click the Forgot password? link to reset it.

'This page is for LeagueApps organizers'

This message means you have an account but are using the incorrect link to login. Check the organization's website for the correct login link for coaches, parents and participants.

You can also find the login link at the top of the organization's registration pages. 

'Invalid email or password'

You have either entered your email address or password incorrectly. Verify you are entering both correctly then attempt to log in again.

If you have forgotten your password, follow the steps here to reset it.

'Oops, you've reached this page in error'

This error may indicate your account may not be fully created. Try these steps:

  • On the login page, click the Create a LeagueApps Account button.
  • Fill out the following fields, taking care to enter your email address correctly.
  • Once finished, attempt to log in again.

I created an account with the wrong email address

Create a new account with the correct email address the contact your program organizer to have your accounts merged together.

I have a duplicate account

The LeagueApps administrators at the organization where you have a duplicate account will be able to merge your accounts together. Please contact the organization for assistance.

If none of the above steps solve your issue, please click here to submit a request to our Support Team.

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