I’m not receiving my password reset email

If you've gone through the steps by clicking Forgot Password? on the login screen and aren't receiving your password reset email, below are a few steps to resolve the issue.

Wrong login page

If you're a parent, coach or participant and went to www.leagueapps.com to try and login or reset your password, you are likely trying to use the page reserved for administrators.

Please contact your program organizer to find the correct login page for participants. It can also often be found on the organization's website.

Finish Creating Account

If it still is not appearing, your account may not be fully created. Try these steps: On the login page, click the Create a LeagueApps Account button:

Fill out the following fields, taking care to enter your email address correctly. Once finished, attempt to log in again and finish setting up your account.

Check Spam Folder

Check your email's spam folder and search your email for anything from accounts@leagueapps.com.

Still not working?

If you are still having trouble resetting your password and have tried all of the above methods, feel free to send a request to our support by clicking here. To help our team resolve the issue faster, be sure to include the following:

  • Email address you are attempting to log in with
  • Organization you are attempting to access
  • Screenshot of any error messages you received
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