Navigating the Program Dashboard

The LeagueApps Program Dashboard gives an overview of your program's key information all in one convenient place. It is particularly helpful for tracking registration and payment activity. This article will give you an overview of how to find your program's dashboard as well as provide links to other articles describing how to use the various dashboard options.

Finding a program's dashboard

Go to Manage then All Programs to find a specific program.

Here you can click the title or the three vertical dots on the left side of the row to select View program dashboard.

Program Dashboard details

  • A Timeline display shows key dates, allowing you to track your registration life cycle at a glance.
  • A detailed summary of Payment Activity shows how much money is paid, invoiced, committed, and expected (based on your maximum capacity settings).
  • Registration Activity show registration counts for teams, free agents, and all registrants (based on team and league capacity rules).
    • Click the down arrow next to each player's status for a gender breakdown.
    • Toggle to Daily for a day-by-day account of your player registration.
  • The left section of the page contains:
  • An indicator icon that shows you if a program is Live and accepting registrations or not.
⚠️ If the light is green that means the program is accepting registrations. If red the program is not accepting registrations
  • A quick-edit control for the Registration Status that allows you to change this label right from the page.
⚠️ There is a slight difference between invoiced and committed figures under Payment Activity. Invoiced refers to the amount in actual invoices that have been generated.  Committed includes all invoiced amounts PLUS those amounts that are owed but have not been invoiced yet. This occurs on teams in which payments are being shared among players, and all individual invoices have not yet been generated.


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