Admin Role Access Guide

Admin members have access to the Management Console and can perform administrative actions on your site. Detailed below are the eight different admin roles, the popular use-case, description, and access restrictions for each role.

Visit the following link for information on how to add and edit admin members.

Org Account Owner

  • Use-case: Owner of the account, reserved for one single admin user. This admin user can perform all functions in the console with no limitations whatsoever.
  • Description: The Org Account Owner's account information can be viewed and changed in the Account Details page by going to Manage Account then clicking General Details.
  • Access Restrictions: None
⚠️ The email associated with the Org Account Owner will receive the billing information notification from LeagueApps when applicable. Click here for more details on the Billing Information Setup.

Org Account Admin

  • Use-case: High-level Admin that can perform all functions in the console, except editing organization details and payment gateway settings.
  • Description: Org Account Admins have the highest level of access after the Org Account Owner. This admin role can access all sites within the organization and perform all functions such as creating new admins, editing site details, generating invoices, importing member data, and modifying the site theme under the Design section.
  • Access Restrictions: Cannot change the Org Account Owner, account details and payment gateway. 

Site Admin

  • Use-case: High-level employee, best for staff members who help with program management, invoicing, and modifying site design.
  • Description: Compared to a Site Manager, this role has more privileges such as editing site details, generating invoices, and modifying the site theme under the Design section. It is similar to the Org Account Admin role except access is controlled by site and creating new admin users is hidden. If Site Admin is chosen for Role, a Background Checks Report Access column appears where you can check off the sites where the Site Admin can view the Background Checks Report.
  • Access Restrictions: The Site Admin cannot access the following pages (reserved for the Org Account Owner only): Manage Account, Payment Gateway Setup, Credit Card options, Account Details, Create Admin Users, Account Billing

Site Director

  • Use-case: Mid-level employee, best for staff members who help with program setup, member invoice support, and daily operations.
  • Description: While similar to Site Manager, this role has the additional privilege of viewing member invoice details for the sites where they have permissions. Can also perform functions within program management including creating/editing programs, schedules, players, teams, and player and team movements (only for the sites where they have privileges).
  • Access Restrictions: The following pages cannot be accessed (in addition to the above pages that cannot be accessed by the Site Admin)
    • Manage: Manually generate and update invoices, Delete Members
    • Site Settings: Site Basics, Email Settings, Custom Domain
    • Design

Site Manager

  • Use-case: low-level employee, best for staff members who help with program setup and daily operations.
  • Description: Can perform functions within program management including creating/editing programs, schedules, players, teams, and player and team movements (only for the sites where they have privileges).
  • Access Restrictions: The following pages cannot be accessed (in addition to the above pages that cannot be accessed by the Site Admin and Site Director)
    • Manage: Manually generate or update invoices, Delete Members
    • Site Settings: Site Basics, Email Settings, Custom Domain
    • Design

Site Coordinator

  • Use-case: low-level employee, best for staff members who help with program setup and daily operations but don't need access to financials. 
  • Description: This role has similar privileges to the Site Manager role except all financial information is hidden across all pages that the role has access to. 
  • Access Restrictions: This role cannot access the same pages as a Site Manager and cannot access any site financial information. 

Site Reporter

  • Use-case: referee, score reporter, best for staff members who solely enter scores.
  • Description: Has read-only privileges to high-level information across programs, schedules, and can enter game results (for sites where they have privileges). All financial data is hidden from this user role. They can also view schedules.
  • Access Restrictions: The following pages cannot be accessed (in addition to the above pages that cannot be accessed by the Site Manager)
    • Team listing page for any program.
    • Manage: Create new programs, Manage Members, Message Members

Program Admin

  • Use-case: Assistant commissioner, best for staff members who only work on a single program or programs
  • Description: Can perform basic coordination functions on programs, such as messaging individual players, managing teams, and adjusting schedules. The program coordinator will only have Site-Reporter access to any programs unless assigned. Program Admin do not have access to financial data nor are they able to access any programs that they are not assigned to. Upon logging in a Program Admin will be directed to a dashboard listing only the programs that they are responsible for.
  • Access Restrictions: The following pages cannot be accessed.
    • Site Dashboard
    • Reporting: Registrations, Transactions
    • Content: Page Listing, Create/delete pages, Menu Item Listing
    • Site-Wide Settings (ALL options)
    • Design
    • Manage Account
⚠️ Once a Program Admin account is created, it must be assigned to a program from the program dashboard page. If this is not completed, the program admin will not have access to any data in LeagueApps.

Assigning a Program Admin

  1. Navigate to the specific program where you need to assign a Program Admin
  2. Located the Program Manager and Program Coordinator sections on the left side of the program dashboard.
  3. Click the dropdown menu and assign any admin to be the program admin for that specific program. (Admin roles higher than Program Admin do not need to be assigned to programs as they already have access to them.)
    • Program Manager can see participants payment statuses
    • Program Coordinators can not see payment statuses.


LeagueApps Gateway Admin Access

If you utilize LeagueApps Gateway for payments, you can additionally grant each admin access to your LeagueApps Gateway Dashboard(s). (The Org Account Owner and Org Account Admin roles have access to LeagueApps Gateway built into those role's permissions.)

This permission is controlled using a checkbox on the Manage Admin Users page in the Management Console. When checked, it will give the specific admin user access to view and export all LeagueApps Gateway reports. However, only the Org Account Owner can access payment gateway account information. 

Access Matrix

To view the full matrix of what features each admin role can and cannot access, click here.

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