LeagueApps' transformed tournament registration and payments experience is here! Here are a few of the highlights of the new tournaments solution:
Table of Contents
- New Next-Gen Tournament Features
- Upcoming Next-Gen Tournament Features
- Next-Gen Tournament Registration Requirements
- Creating a Next-Gen Tournament
- Creating Sub-Programs
- Sub-Program Registration Options
- New Site-Level Payment Policies
- Sub-Program Waivers
- Sub-Program Form Fields
- Enabling Automatic USA Lacrosse Membership Verification
- Tournament Team Registration Experience
- Roster Management
- Player & Staff Tournament Registration Experience
- Payment Options
- Registrations from the Management Console
- FAQs
New Next-Gen Tournament Features
- Mobile optimized, friction-free bulk registration and payment for your registrants and for Tournament admins adding registrations “on behalf of” teams that will attend the tournament
- Persistent Teams: Create a team once and that team will be available for subsequent registrations within the same site.
- New Team Fields: by default the new experience captures Team Name, Team Organization, Team Location and Team Rep information. It can also - optionally capture and validate the team age.
- Custom Team Fields: You can now collect up to four additional Custom team fields at the point of team registration.
- Team Rep Flow: Registrants assign a “team rep” for each team they Register - they can assign themselves or anyone else they would like. This person will receive an email with a link to join the team where they can be targeted with additional form-field questions and custom waivers. This role can be renamed to anything an organization would like it to be.
- New Tournament Details page: Including a “participating teams” section that can be toggled on or off, and shows teams that are currently registered.
- Preferred Tournament Lodging/Hotel Links: Surfaced on the details page, confirmation page, and member dashboard.
- New Roster Management + Player and Staff Registration Experience: Includes team and role-specific copyable invite links that team staff can send to players and other staff members via text/email etc.—making it simple to distribute invites to the team. The new Roster Management experience also includes USA Lacrosse Membership verification (if enabled), a refreshed Roster Rollover experience that allows team staff to pull in players from any of their teams across all of LeagueApps! As well as the ability for team staff to remove players from the Roster.
- Simplified Registration Options page for each division: Specify division pricing, capacity, confirmation messaging, admin notifications and more.
- Configurable Payment Options: Including discount codes and targeted, user specific discounts, early/late fees, pay later options, and multi-installment plans; all at the Grouped program level in an easy to use template. Easily preview how pricing options will be reflected for each of your divisions. (Code based discounts coming soon)
- Site Level Payment Policy: Set up your payment/refund policy in one place and have it apply to all Next-Gen Tournament programs.
Upcoming Next-Gen Tournament Features
The Next-Gen Tournament experience does not yet support the following features.
- Individual Fees for Players/Staff joining a team. Right now the Next-Gen Experience is built to collect team-based registration fees - often paid by an Organization’s “Club Director” or similar role. The experience does not support charging players/staff a fee when joining an existing team. This will be supported in early Q2 2025.
- Selling E-Commerce products directly within the registration flow
- Automatic USA Hockey verification for players/staff joining a team. Please note that you still have the option to collect Membership #s from players and staff that join a team and the new experience does support age validation based on program settings and player birth date. We plan to support direct integrations by early 2025.
- The Next-Gen Tournaments experience supports Sites that use LeagueApps Gateway to process payments. It does not support other gateways such as Authorize.Net or Paypal.
Processing fees. While the Next-Gen solution doesn’t currently support “processing fees”, it does support the Transaction Fees feature which allows Organizations to pass all (or a portion of) transaction fees to end users during registration. Org Account Owners and Org Account Admins should see the transaction fees feature in the Main Navigation in the Management Console under Settings, then Transaction Fees. If you do not see this please reach out to LeagueApps support so we can enable this feature for you. If you need to add additional fees to a registration purchase that are not transaction fees, you can do so via our new Next-Gen Tournament Payment options experience.
Next-Gen Tournament Registration Requirements
- Your organization/sites need to be using LeagueApps Gateway.
- Your site needs to have the new header and footer turned on for your Member Portal. If you don’t have this, please reach out to support@leagueapps.com.
Creating a Next-Gen Tournament
If your organization has been enabled for Next-Gen, you will be able to see the Next-Gen tournament option on the Create a New Tournament page.
⚠️ The Next-Gen Tournament experience is now the default experience for the majority of sites running on LeagueApps. If you believe that you need to use the Classic Tournament experience please reach out to us here with a request. Note that you will not be able to convert a Classic tournament into a Next-Gen tournament, or vice versa, once the chosen tournament type has already been created and saved. However, you can create the same tournament in Classic and Next-Gen and then bulk-move existing registrations over to the new tournament. If you would like access to classic tournaments and currently do not see the option, please reach out to support@leagueapps.com |
If you’ve set up a Classic tournament before, the Next-Gen tournament setup will be a very familiar experience for you.
Fill in all of the required and desired fields and then click the Create tournament button at the bottom of the screen.
Note: Next-Gen Tournaments gives you the ability to add a link to your preferred tournament lodging provider. You will configure that when you create your tournament program, and it will show up on the new tournament details page, the registration confirmation page and the member dashboard
Creating Sub-Programs
Creating sub-programs for a Next-Gen tournament is also a very similar experience as creating sub-programs for a Classic tournament. On your tournament details page, click the Create Sub-Program button to get started.
Once you've filled in all of the required and desired fields for each of your sub-programs, and click the Create Sub-Program button at the bottom of the setup screen, your-program(s) will be listed on your tournament details page.
Sub-Program Registration Options
If you click the Registration Options link listed on a sub-program in the tournament details page, you will navigate to a newly designed Registration Options page.
- Payments: Add the price per team. If you have site-level transaction fees set up, these will be automatically turned on—you can see and edit this if you are an Org Account Owner role. The beta does not include the ability to override transaction fees for Next-Gen programs. Only the site-level transaction fee setting will apply to these programs.
- Capacity: Add the minimum and maximum number of teams allowed.
- Age Verification: Decide whether or not to set a minimum team and player age. You can choose to require or hide the “team age group” field for registrants creating teams. You can also validate the age of players (based on player birth date) when players join the team. (Note: you should ensure you are collecting birth date as required field for new child members if you choose to use this setting)
- Publicly Show Participating Teams: Select whether or not to publicly show the teams registered for this division. This will show up on the tournament details page in a new tab called “Participating Teams” - If all age groups in your tournament are toggled “off” for this setting - the “Participating Teams” tab will be hidden.
Notification recipients: Add any recipients who should be notified when checkout is complete. Add any recipients who should be notified when checkout is complete. Email Addresses added in this section will receive a notification email that looks like the below:
- Confirmation message: Add the subject line and email message that should be sent to a registrant when a successful registration is made. Please note that Registrants who make a full payment will also receive Invoice Receipt Emails as they do today, which include the amount paid and information about the program registered for.
New Site-Level Payment Policy
As part of our Next-Gen Registration platform, we are introducing Site-Level Payment Waivers or Payment Policies. These can be setup one time at the site level, and will automatically display for the registrant during checkout for any Next-Gen program (currently available for Tournaments).
To set up your site-level payment policy that will apply to your Next-Gen tournament programs (as well as any other next-gen program types in the future), navigate to Settings in the top navigation menu, and select Registration Settings.
Click the Waivers tab at the top of the page, and then view and populate the Payment Waiver section at the bottom of that tab’s page. This Payment Waiver will only apply to Next-Gen programs.
Once your Payment policy is added, it will appear in the checkout page for your Next-Gen programs. Once completed, the Payment policy will show up in an "accepted" status and be available as a pdf to download from the LeagueApps Management Console.
Sub-Program Waivers
Within each division, go to Settings and then Waivers. You will see your Main Waiver here pulled in from your Site Level Default Waivers.
In Next-Gen, you will also see a read-only version of your Site-Level Payment Policy if you have set one up. There is a link to manage this policy here as well.
You can add additional program level waivers here as well and target players or team staff.
Sub-Program Form Fields
Within each division, go to Settings and then Form Fields to specify the fields you want to collect from the team registrar and from players and staff that join teams in this division.
Team Form Fields:
- Standard Team Form Fields: In the Next-Gen solution we already collect some additional Team information such as Organization, Location and Team Age so these do not need to be configured by the admin setting up the tournament.
- Custom Team Form Fields: An admin - can optionally add up to 4 additional custom team form fields. Common examples might be “Team experience level” or “Scheduling Preferences” This should be information that you want to receive from the person registering the team. If you believe that the information should come from the “team rep” you should target the team rep using Staff Form Fields
- Player and Staff Form Fields: Target Players or Specific Staff Roles with additional form field questions that they will provide responses for when they join the team. The “Team Rep” staff role can be targeted to collect additional team information that the team registrar may not be equipped to provide at the point of registration.
Enabling Automatic USA Lacrosse Membership Verification
The Next-Gen Tournament experience now supports direct integration with USA Lacrosse to verify that tournament team players and staff have active USA Lacrosse Memberships through the end date of the event.
In Next-Gen USA Lacrosse Verification is configured at the grouped program (Tournament level) instead of for each individual subprogram. Program admins will need to ensure that the Site level setting for USA Lacrosse is enabled by navigating to Integrations, then Membership Verifications.
Ensure that the USA Lacrosse integration is enabled.
Once enabled, you will now have the ability to turn on verification for Next-Gen Tournament Programs. This is done from the Grouped Program dashboard under Settings, then Preferences.
Once on the Grouped program preferences page, you will see the option to enable USA Lacrosse verification for all players and staff.
⚠️ You need ensure you are collecting birth date on player and parent profiles in order for the USA Lacrosse integration to work correctly as birth date is one of the fields that is verified. Required Profile fields can be set from the main navigation menu by going to Settings, then Member Profile Settings. |
Admins will now see a new column on the player and staff program listings pages which will show a checkmark to indicate a completed USA Lacrosse verification
Members registering will need to ensure that their name and birth date match what is on their USA Lacrosse Membership.
Tournament Team Registration Experience
The entire registration experience has been transformed for Next-Gen Tournaments.These Next-Gen Tournaments will be listed alongside your other tournaments in the management console and member portal tournament listings page.
When a user selects a Next-Gen tournament they will be taken to the new Tournament Details page. This is optimized across all channels and surfaces including mobile devices, tablet and desktop.
Participating Teams
You can also click the Participating Teams tab to view all teams that have been registered for the tournament already.
Once they click the Register now button, they will be taken to the brand new team registration experience. They will see a list of all divisions, and have the option to add their teams. Once they create a new team, this team will be automatically made available for their next-gen tournament registrations going forward.
If they click on the + Create new team option, they will be taken to this simple team registration form. Scroll down in this form, and once they have all of the information filled in, they can click the Create team button to save the team.
The team rep will receive an email once the team registration has been processed.
Once the team(s) are created, you can add to the cart checkout by clicking Save division. Multiple divisions with their teams are able to be registered and added to the cart checkout.
Once they have added all of their desired divisions and teams, they can click the Add to cart button to be taken to the Cart Summary page where they can review the details and pricing of the registrations in progress. They can also move forward to checkout.
The improved Checkout page allows the registrant to view all of the summary, details, payment terms, payment method, and payment policy before they pay and register.
Payment Options
They can select different Payment Options that you have configured. Learn more about configuring Payment Options for Next-Gen Tournaments by clicking here.
Discount Codes
Next-Gen Tournaments now support Discount Codes. These are set up at the grouped program level - alongside payment options for the program.
These can be set up as percentage discounts or fixed dollar amount discounts.
Also new to our Next-Gen Tournaments experience is the ability for registrants to redeem discount codes directly on the checkout page.
A discount code entered successfully here will automatically deduct the correct amount from all tournament registrations in the users cart (that are eligible for the discount code).
Then, they can Add bank account or Add card to pay their fee and register their team(s):
Add a bank account
Add a card
Once completed, the Payment Waiver will show up in an "accepted" status and be downloadable from the LeagueApps Management Console. Click to see how to add your Payment Waiver, detailed above.
When the team registration is complete and the payment is processed, you will be directed to a confirmation page which contains links to tournament lodgings, managing rosters, and downloading the LeagueApps Play app where teams can view their schedules and communications.
You will also receive confirmation emails.
Roster Management
The team registrar, assigned team rep, and any additional team staff can manage team invites and view roster status in their LeagueApps member portal. In the My Staff Assignments section, click Manage Roster under the Actions column for the respective team(s).
The roster management experience allows staff to retrieve team and role specific links to send to parents and additional staff to register, build a roster by manually adding players and staff or rolling them over from past rosters, download and print a roster, see registered players and staff, navigate to your schedule, see standings and the team’s record, and more.
If you’d like to navigate to another Next Gen Tournament team within the same site - where you’ve been assigned as a staff member or team rep, click the View another team button and select which team you’d like to navigate to.
To invite players, click the Get player invite link button. This will surface a pop-up where you can copy the invite link to share with your parents to register their kids. To see how this link looks for parents, view the Player & Staff tournament registration experience below.
To invite staff, click the Get staff invite link button. This will surface a pop-up where you can select the specific staff role for the invite link, and then copy that specific invite link to share with the respective staff member. To see how this link looks for staff, view the Player & Staff tournament registration experience below.
Building a Roster in Next-Gen: You can Invite players and staff directly to the team by using the copyable links (as mentioned above). You can also add players and staff to the team in a manual fashion by selecting “Add Player” or “Add Staff” and then entering the first and last name and contact email. Note that these users will be added in an “invite pending” state. They will show up on the roster but will not be officially registered until they complete any form fields and waivers set up for the program. They will still need to take action to complete these tasks by following the invite link that team staff should send to them.
Roster Rollover: Next Gen Tournaments offers an advanced Roster Rollover tool that gives team staff access to rosters from any team that a staff member is associated with - across the LeagueApps ecosystem. This means that rosters can be quickly built by pulling in players and staff from a club team on a different site or from a roster for a separate tournament on a different site within LeagueApps. Similar to the above, these players and staff will be added in an “invite pending” state and will still need to follow invite links and complete form fields and waivers to be fully registered.
In Next-Gen Tournaments, team staff will also be able to remove players and non-primary staff from the team by simply selecting the trash can icon next to the player or staff member and confirming removal.
Once someone has been added to a roster, they will have an edit icon next to them where you can edit their form field information. Fields that are editable here will correspond to the settings in Management Console for the Program—specifically whether or not Team Staff can edit specific form fields.
Player & Staff Tournament Registration Experience
This new tournament registration experience allows you to collect custom form fields and additional waivers for staff and players registering for your tournament team(s).
When the staff or player receives the invite link that you copied on the roster page, they will be taken through a simple flow to add their players, fill in custom form fields, accept waivers, and complete the registration.
⚠️ If you are an adult organization, your adult players will need to create a new player for themself in order to proceed. |
Registrations from the Management Console
Tournament Admins can Bulk Register teams directly from the Management Console
From your Next-Gen Tournament Dashboard, select Create Registrations (this button will show when you have 1 or more divisions set up).
You will be prompted to select an existing site member and will be able to quickly register teams on their behalf across multiple divisions within the Tournament.
The Payment Options that you setup are also available to select in this registration flow.
Completing this flow will result in an unpaid invoice for each registration, which can be paid by the member from their dashboard, or paid by an Admin from the LeagueApps Management Console.
Can I move between a classic and a next-gen tournament?
While you will still be able to create a Classic tournament or a Next-Gen tournament, you will not be able to convert a Classic tournament into a Next-Gen tournament, or vice versa, once the chosen tournament setup has already been created and saved.
Am I able to add, move, or copy teams that are created in a next-gen tournament to other program types?
Yes, all of the operations around copying and moving teams that are supported for Classic Tournaments are also supported for Next-Gen Tournaments
Will my staff be able to add and invite players to teams in the member portal?
Yes, the Member Portal dashboard link for Staff to add and invite players—as well as the ability to edit registration form fields—is available on the Roster management page.