LeagueApps Analytics is the most advanced data and analytics platform for youth sports, providing you with the reporting and analytics capabilities used by the most sophisticated technology companies in the country—all within LeagueApps.
LeagueApps Analytics consists of organization-level and site-level reporting. The organization-level reports contain data that spans across all of your LeagueApps sites (if applicable) so that you can view and compare all of your cross-organization data and insights with ease, whether you have two sites or two dozen sites. Site Admins can only view this site level of reporting, which contain data specific to the site you are currently logged into. You can also bookmark and save filtered reports as your default report views, as well as schedule sends of filtered reports.
Navigating to LeagueApps Analytics
If LeagueApps Analytics has been turned on for your organization, Org Account Owner and Org Account Admins will be able to access org-level and site-level reports, and Site Admins can access site-level reports, in your LeagueApps management console, under the Reporting menu in the Analytics section.
In the left sidebar, you can use the Search box as well expand and collapse the categories to find the various Analytics reports.
Date Ranges
You can view data from all time periods going back as far as you’ve been with LeagueApps. This includes any date ranges, specific dates, periods of time, and more, across both site and organization level reports.
Smart Tables
Within each table, you are able to drag and move columns, as well as perform the following column actions by right clicking on the column title:
- Filter Column (add new column filters)
- Rename Column
- Hide Column
- Delete Column
- Freeze up to Column (freeze initial columns while scrolling)
- Group Column
- Extract Columns
You are also be able to perform the following row actions by right clicking on cell values in rows:
- Keep Only (filter on specific row value)
- Exclude (filter out specific row value)
- Highlight Rows (highlight rows with specific value)
Report Bookmarks
If you add any filters to customize an Analytics report to your needs, you are now able to save that filtered report as a ‘bookmark’ so you can access it in the future! You can bookmark the report by clicking the bookmark dropdown in the bottom right of any Analytics report and selecting Save as new bookmark.
You can also save one of your Bookmarks as the default, so that bookmarked filtered report that will open when you navigate to that specific Analytics report.
⚠️ Currently, bookmarks cannot be scheduled to send. You are able to export your bookmarked report at any given time, but cannot schedule it to send ahead of time. |
Exporting Data
Any report or dashboard from LeagueApps Analytics can be exported by selecting the three horizontal lines in the bottom left corner of the screen, and then selecting Schedule export or Send now.
You can choose to schedule exports at specific days and times, and with specific conditions (e.g. only if new data has occurred).
You can then choose email addresses—whether they’re part of your organization or not—to send it to, and the cadence you would like the export to occur at. Depending on the report or dashboard, you can export the data as CSV, Excel, or PDF.
⚠️ Be sure that the Run queries as recipient checkbox is not checked when sending reports to any recipients besides yourself. |
Schedule Sends of a Filtered Report
On any report, scroll to the three horizontal lines in the bottom left corner of the screen, and then select Schedule export.
Click Add Schedule.
Add your recipient email address, and update your subject and message as desired. You can choose to select the type of attachment that you want: Excel, PDF, or PNG. Then, scroll down to continue the setup.
Select the frequency you want your scheduled export to run.
Click Customize Control Values to set up your filters. Search the box next to Controls to see what filter options you have available. After you select the control choose which Value you would like to filter on. For example, this user has selected Site-Name “LeagueApps Soccer” and Registration Date “Last 2 Months”
⚠️ If you set local filters on your workbook they will NOT update. You must Customize Control Values. |
Additionally, you can run queries as a recipient if they have different permission levels from you or send the files as a .zip file.
Reports & Dashboards
To learn more about exploring a specific report or dashboard, select one from the list below.
Organization-level & Site-level reporting
- KPIs Dashboard: High-level Key Performance Indicator insights for all of your most important business metrics at an organization-level or site-level.
Cash Accounting
- Bank Transfer Journal Entries Report: All-time deposited funds in your account through LeagueApps Gateway across your entire organization or individual sites. You can export this report to create bank transfer journal entries in your accounting software.
- Individual Journal Entries Report: Undeposited journal entries on an individual basis across your entire organization. A journal entry will be generated for each separate transaction/invoice within your account. You can then export this report to help you create individual journal entries in your accounting software.
- Summary Journal Entries Report: Multiple transactions grouped within the same bank transfer based on commonalities within one journal entry. You can then export this report to help you create summary journal entries in your accounting software.
- E-Commerce Orders Report: Product purchase details across program and sub-program levels to understand which products are driving the most sales and revenue.
- Transactions Report: Transaction data, including transaction IDs, dates, and more, from organization-level and site-level metrics, that can be downloaded and shared.
- Program Transactions Report: Financial breakdowns on both the program and subprogram level for teams and sports.
- Discount Code Redemptions Report: All discount codes redeemed across an organization on on the site, program and team-level, and which discount codes are most popular.
- Invoice Items Report: Full picture of all of invoices and detailed item information on the organization and site-level.
- Invoice Payment Plan Installments Report: All invoice payment plan installments, and information on which are past due and which specific users have past due installments.
- Credit Balances Report: Insight into the balance available on the credit level, as well as the amount of credit available to use on a member level.
- Credits Issued Report: All credits issued, including redeemed and not redeemed credits, across your organization and for individual or multiple sites within your organization.
- Invoices Report: Direct invoices (also known as "child invoices") and container invoice IDs, including information on credits that have been applied to the invoice.
Registration & Members
- Member Locations Report: Heat map view of registered members (players and coaches/staff) locations, with extensive filtering capabilities, as well as an exportable table of filtered registrants.
- Programs Report: Summary of all programs’ registration and team counts across your organization, or specific sites, no matter the program status or start date.
- Player Invites Report: All programs and teams that you invited players to across the organization and on the site-level, including the status of those invites and how programs compare to each other.
- Player Retention Report: How much your organization has retained players and their associated revenue, from the first year they started with your organization.
- Attendance Report: Which players have or have not RSVP'd and checked-in for games and events within a program, including search for players and programs.
- Abandoned Registrations Report: Insights into potential participants who created accounts but never completed a registration, and those who reached the payments page for a specific program but did not complete the registration.
Organization-level only reporting
- Org LeagueApps Gateway Bank Transfers: All of your LeagueApps Gateway bank transfers and their transactions in one place.
- Org LeagueApps Gateway Payments Dashboard: Data and metrics surrounding transactions and information conducted within LeagueApps Gateway.
- Org Transaction Comparisons Report: Organization-level metrics across, grouped by each month of a transaction, to compare site-by-site performance.
Registration & Members
- Org Enterprise Metrics Dashboard: Organization-level metrics that feature customer lifecycle and lifetime value of the players in an organization.
- Org Registrations Report: Organization-level report that tracks registrations across all sites, and is both searchable and filterable in order to view registrant data within specific programs.
Will I be able to still access my existing reports that were there before LeagueApps Analytics?
Yes, your existing reports are still available under the Reporting menu item in your LeagueApps management console.
Are these the only reports that will be available in LeagueApps Analytics going forward?
No, this is just the beginning! We are going to be adding several additional reports over the coming months in the LeagueApps Analytics tool, including retention, attendance, financials, and more.
Why am I seeing an error when I try to go to a member's page that's hyperlinked in a report?
If a member has been deleted in the management console, if you try to go to the member's page via a hyperlink in a report, you'll get an error. If you're seeing an error page for a member who has not been deleted, please contact support at support@leagueapps.com.
Which admin roles can access the reports in LeagueApps Analytics?
Currently, Org Account Owners and Org Account Admins can access all org-level and site-level reports. Site Admins can access the site reports for their sites (and only their sites). Admin roles below Site Admin access currently cannot access any reports.
How far back does my data go in these reports?
You will be able to report on data dating back to when you started using LeagueApps to run your programming.
Who should I contact if I have questions about my data that’s being shown?
Please reach out to support@leagueapps.com with any questions.