Export LeagueApps Data to Import into GotSport

Admins and organizers can export registrant details from LeagueApps and import this data directly into GotSport. 

Step 1: Turn on Required Registration Fields in LeagueApps

  1. Sign in to GotSport
  2. Click the Club tab
  3. Click the Players in the black menu
  4. Click Upload Players in the grey menu
  5. Fields required by your state will be listed in the Instructions box to the left of the upload section

  6. Sign in to your LeagueApps Management Console
  7. Go to the Settings dropdown and click Member Profile under the Members header
  8. Under Basic Field Settings, click the toggle on to turn on any of following fields that are required by your state, listed in Step 5 above:
    • Require Member Address
    • Require Parent Birth Date
    • Require Child Birth Date
    • Allow Child Member Emails?
    • Collect Parent/Adult Mobile Number During Registration
    • Require Parent/Adult Mobile Number When Collecting During Registration
    • Collect Child Mobile Number During Registration

Step 2: Export Data from LeagueApps

  1. Sign in to your LeagueApps Management Console
  2. Tap the Search icon Screen_Shot_2021-05-17_at_2.24.15_PM2.png in the top right corner and type in your team or league name in the search box
  3. Hover over the People tab and click Players
  4. Select any Filters if applicable
  5. Click the Export to CSV button
  6. In the pop-up, select the columns required by the state to be included in the export (as well as any other columns you would like to include)
  7. Click the Export button in the pop-up

Step 3: Import LeagueApps data into GotSport

  1. Sign in to your GotSoccer account
  2. Click the Club tab
  3. Click the Players in the black menu
  4. Click Upload Players in the grey menu
  5. Under File Upload, click Choose File
  6. Select your LeagueApps CSV file for upload
  7. Click Open Selected File
  8. Map your LeagueApps data columns to their respective column headers in GotSoccer using the dropdowns
  9. Click Import Data

If you need any help with GotSport's import process, view this guide or contact GotSport here.

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