The Program Summary table and Program Summary report provide you with important data about your programs at a glance and can be customized to include or omit information as you see fit.
The Program Summary table is accessible from your management console dashboard right when you log in as an administrator.
The Program Summary report is accessible via your account's reporting section or by clicking the View all programs link from the Program Summary section.
Customize View
- To customize what is included, click the Customize View button in either the Program Summary table on the management console dashboard page or the Program Summary report.
- Select the data points you want displayed
- Click Save.
These changes will affect both the Program Summary table and report.
Export Summary Data
- To export the summary data, click the Export to CSV button in either the Program Summary table on the management console dashboard page or the Program Summary report.
- Choose the data points you want included in the exported file.
- Click Export.
Sorting Programs
Sorting your program summary is available in both the Program Summary table and report.
- Once there, place your mouse of the column header you want to sort by
- Click either the ⬆️ or ⬇️ arrow to sort the programs by ascending or descending order.
Frequently Asked Questions
What programs are included?
Program Summary table and report have tabs to show Live and Upcoming programs, Completed programs, or Unpublished programs.
Why don't the numbers on my summary match what was deposited into my bank account?
The program summary reports will display total invoiced amounts before fees are deducted. To reconcile deposits or see details transaction data, it is best to reference one of our other reports.
Why aren't all of my programs showing?
The Program Summary table on the management console dashboard page will show your top-10 live & upcoming programs ranked by invoiced amount. Click the Load More button to view more programs. It is recommended you keep this program table clean by setting old programs as Completed. This can be done from a program's Edit Details page.
A program just went missing from my summary. Where did it go?
In some circumstances, LeagueApps will automatically set a program as Completed when its activity end date passes. To find the program, navigate to Manage then click All Programs. Once there, set the filter to Completed to see past programs. To return the program to you summary, extend or delete the program's Activity End Date and set the Program State back to Live.