Text Messaging App Setup

Text Messaging is a powerful app in the LeagueApps App Center that allows admin to send text message alerts to their members. You can use it to announce weather delays, game cancellations, or other general organizational-wide information.

Configuring the Text Messaging App

  1. To activate the Text Message App, go to your main dashboard and hover over Messaging. Then click Text Messaging.
  2. On the next screen, click the Find a number button.
  3. Browse this list of toll-free options and when you are ready select a number from this list by clicking Choose This Number. 
  4. Click Enable Text Message
  5. Click Yes, enable this

Verification Process

Once have you have chosen a number, you will need submit the number for verification. Click the Verify SMS Account button to begin.

⚠️ You will not be able to utilize text messaging features until the number has been verified.

You will then be presented with a form to submit your verification request. Once the form is completed, your number should be verified within three business days.

Fill in the form with correct and accurate information regarding your business.

⚠️ Step 3 of the form is automatically populated for your convenience. DO NOT change any entries on Step 3.

Usage and Pricing

Once you confirm and secure your number, you will be able to see how many messages you've sent in the current month and how many more messages you're able to send this month before getting charges overage fees.

The text messaging feature is included with your LeagueApps fees up to a monthly message limit and up to three sites:

  • $0.01 per message over monthly messaging limit
  • $1 per site over three sites

Any overage fees will be invoiced to your organization monthly in arrears.

Collecting Mobile Numbers from Your Members

Now that your Text Messaging App is enabled, you can collect mobile numbers during registration.

⚠️ Your members will not be able to opt-in to receive text messages until the verification process has been completed.

To collect mobile numbers during registration, first go to your site's Settings then click Member Profile.

From your Member Profile Properties page, you'll see a couple of flip switches to Collect Mobile Number During Registration:

  • Collect Parent/Adult Mobile Number During Registration
  • Require Parent/Adult Mobile Number During Registration
  • Collect Child Mobile Number During Registration
    • Child Mobile Number is only available on LeagueApps Account Mode set to Youth or Mixed
    • Child MUST be 13 years or older to receive text alerts
    • Parent mobile number MUST be collected for Child number to be collected
    • Child mobile number is optional (if member is 13 years or older)

You're also able to add or edit member's mobile numbers from their account. Click here to learn how.

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